Be Willing to Make a Small Difference

This is how you buy your daily bread in Jerusalem.

You may or may not have noticed my absence here the last few days. I’ve been very busy coughing so hard and often that I’m also trying to keep my head from exploding, and my back from being thrown out, all while maintaining perfect bladder control. I’ve had mixed success with these objectives. But it’s getting better, so either the disease is running its course, or the doxycycline is working, or the Mucinex is working. At any rate, I’m seeing a few rays of hope for recovery in the not too distant future. Hallelujah. I’m tired of sleeping in the recliner. I don’t sleep well alone. I need Mr Hot Stuff.

I’m sitting here in the living room recliner listening to the deep freezer in the garage make the most horrific noises I’ve ever heard. Something is definitely wrong with the motor unless my freezer has acquired solid rocket boosters. Mr. Hot Stuff suggested I call the repair guys tomorrow. Good plan. I wonder if they will be able to hear me whisper over the phone, because that is the volume my voice is currently functioning at. Should be fun.

I’ve been thinking of many profound analogies while I’ve lounged around the last several days, but no energy to write them down, so you’ll just have to take my word for it. Haha. Every day I feel a little better though. Today I felt well enough to actually empty and fill the dishwasher with the dishes from the last three days. Tomorrow who knows what astounding feats of household skills I may perform!

You may remember that just before I left for Israel, I learned of the death of my nephew. He died under sad and tragic circumstances and his passing has been super hard on his mom. His memorial service is this weekend.

The morning we left Turkey to return home from our trip, we were notified of the sudden death of a neighbor. He leaves behind a wife (my friend) and thee teenaged kids. I was unable to attend the funeral due to this bronchitis. Sometimes life can be stinking hard, you know?

Anyway, I was reading my scriptures tonight and I found this note in my scriptures and needed the reminder: We can be a sustaining force just by showing up. These men of Antipus were good men, fighting for a righteous cause, yet they suffered terribly. Nevertheless, they remained faithful, and help came as they were making their last stand, fully expecting to die. I can only imagine their level of exhaustion and despair until Helaman and his young men showed up. They were a small group, but they brought great hope and relief. Sometimes small things we do make all the difference in the ability of someone else to endure great hardship.

“15 And these are the cities which they possessed when I arrived at the city of Judea; and I found Antipus and his men toiling with their might to fortify the city. 16 Yea, and they were depressed in body as well as in spirit, for they had fought valiantly by day and toiled by night to maintain their cities; and thus they had suffered great afflictions of every kind. 17 And now they were determined to conquer in this place or die; therefore you may well suppose that this little force which I brought with me, yea, those sons of mine, gave them great hopes and much joy.” Alma 56:15–17


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